Registration 2025 is Now Open!

Click here to register!

Spring Banquet and Fundraiser

Save the date! Our annual Spring Banquet and Fundraiser will be held Saturday, April 26th at Sturgeon Alliance Church in Gibbons, AB.

A Summer Experience Of Fun, Faith And Family

Memories Made to Last.

Located on the shores of beautiful Hanmore Lake inside Smoky Lake County, Pioneer Bible Camp offers a summer experience rich in fun, friendship, learning, and adventure. Campers range in age from seven to seventeen.

Non-Denominational and Bible-Based.

We are an independent, non-denominational organization that roots our beliefs, values, and actions in the Christian Bible and the person of Jesus Christ.


Arts & Crafts
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watch our awesome video!

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official blog updates

As Romans 8:18 says, no matter our trials in life, it is no comparison to the glory to be revealed in us. Pioneer reveals a small glimpse of that glory.


PBC is where I found family and friends, who I have lots of fun with. The best time of my life is when I'm experiencing the friendships, games and songs at camp.


I feel like I have grown up at this camp. You're always welcome. This camp has definitely made my relationship with God better than it has ever been.
