The Leaders In Training (LIT) Program
At Pioneer Bible Camp we are passionate about preparing and training future cabin leaders and staff. Our Leaders in Training Program (LIT) is for youth going into grades 10-12 (15-17 years old). The program runs in July. LIT participants become progressively more involved in the day to day camp activities based on age and experience. Year one participants should be minimum 15 years old.
If you are interested in applying for this program or if you have any questions please contact us at
The program has three main areas of emphasis:
Leadership as Service
Following the example of our Lord Jesus who humbled himself to wash his disciples’ feet—who said, though he was a King, he came not to be served but to serve—we aim to teach our LITs selflessness and humility. LITs will have the opportunity to serve in a variety of areas including washing dishes, preparing the camp for summer, helping out with chapels etc.
Leadership as Growth
Anyone who tries to lead others must also know how to lead themselves. LITs will be encouraged to discover their gifts and temperaments, their identity in Christ, as well as areas they need to grow in. This self-knowledge will be helpful in undertaking the spiritual and personal development integral to good leadership and character. LITs will have frequent lesson times to learn Biblical truth and spiritual exercises will be included. A good leader is a growing leader.
Practicing Leadership
LITs will also have the opportunity based on their ability to lead and assist other leaders in camp settings. Some of the best learning comes from following good examples. LITs will shadow and assist cabin leaders in their cabins, at skills, games, and in chapel etc. This hands-on practice is essential to growth as a young leader-in-training.